Our partners include likeminded groups, churches, organizations and universities that share in our vision. Together, we work to create a greater impact. 

Adopt a Community

Partners and churches may become a monthly visionary member by giving to a specific focus area. Monthly contributions will go directly to helping that area in ways specific to their needs. We'll send your church or group updates on what is happening in that area and how your donations are promoting the growth of that community. We also encourage representatives to organize a group of volunteers to visit that area.


Smaller groups within churches, Sunday school classes or other groups of individuals may be interested in gathering on-going donations to work towards funding a building, well, light construction projects or a host of other projects. These projects will provide a sustainable resource for entire communities and continue to give for years. Contact our office to get started. We can create a customized project and budget that fits your group.

Visionary Trips

Pastors, elders, and missions directors who are interested in partnering with One Vision International and who would like to visit a focus area to learn more about the specific needs of the people are welcomed to join a visionary trip. Unlike service-based trips, these trips are designed to give you a first-hand look and educate you on the culture, history, and current needs of the area. These trips are three to four days in length and can be scheduled over a long weekend.

Become a Partner

If you would like to partner with us, fill out the form below and one of our staff members will get back to you.