A Lesson in Teamwork, Humility, and Urgency

One Vision has been blessed with the opportunity to serve in Haiti and the Dominican Republic over the past several years. It has been incredible to see how the Lord has worked in and through the hearts of those overseas and how he has transformed trip participants in just a few short days. Recently, when He closed the door in Haiti, we were left wondering what the next steps would look like. However, God never ceases to prove his faithfulness and where one door closed, another opened.

There is no easy way to sum up the most recent trip to Brazil. We went with the hopes of finding a specific project that One Vision could invest in. Rather than finding one particular project, we found at least half a dozen areas where the Holy Spirit was already moving in and through the people.

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One of those was a church plant in Madiero where we helped to finish construction on their new church building. Christians from the mother church, other local churches, and new believers from the community all came out to work on the building and spend time together. It was encouraging to see Christians from all denominations so excited about reaching their own people with the Gospel of Christ.

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While we were there we got to hear their stories, work together, and help them reach out to local schools and classes. This was not a time where we went to serve or came to be served but rather a time where we all came together, as a family of believers, to serve people who did not know Jesus Christ. Pastor Machado was a constant example of what it looks like to humble yourself before others and reflect the love of the Lord to a lost community.

On Wednesday night we arrived at the completed church building for the dedication service. We were concerned when we noticed there were large fires burning on either side of the church and winds were pushing them closer. We were told that teenagers had started at least one of the fires but no matter what, the service would go on as scheduled. As we watched, we noticed that there was one man working to put out the flames. Pastor Machado was standing beside his new church, in his suit and tie, beating out any flames that threatened his church body. (See video in FB page)


Where we were quick to worry, he was quick to act. He never brought attention to himself and people filing into the church didn’t even seem to notice. How often does the Lord care for us in that way? While we spend our time worrying about what is to come he is already quietly caring for us. Holding back harm and planning for our future. He does not scream, “Look at me!” but whispers, “I love you, and you are mine” Isaiah 43:1-13

There are too many stories to share them all but the trip can be summed up by remembering that we are not taking Jesus to Brazil. He is already there and moving is ways that are hard to describe in words. What we CAN do is continue to be faithful to the call to GO! We can partner with our brothers and sisters who are already sacrificing so that their own people will understand salvation. We can share the joy, hope, and redemption that the Holy Spirit has placed in our hearts. Our friend Florencio told me, “missions flows in our veins and our hearts burn in clamor because of our suffering people who are enslaved away from God"

Does your heart hurt for the lost?