Claudia was born and raised in the Dominican Republic and has an undeniable passion for her people. She and her husband serve as our missionaries on staff there. She wrote the following message for you:
Matthew 19:14
"But Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for such belongs to the kingdom of heaven."
There are many ways to let the children come to Christ. A few of them are attention, patience, discipline, smile on face, and helping them grow in the knowledge of God's word, but each should have the special of God in us. God uses us as a source to bring that special message to each child or adult.
Another source is still sponsorship. The impact created in the community has become so strong that the respect, admiration, and desire to live different is reflected in the people and children of the community of Carrera de Palma. You can be sure that you have activated a light called hope.
I could tell the story of the life of every child who has been touched with hope right through sponsorship of One Vision. Everyone wanted to talk and say something, but take the case of Darling Miguel Veras and the opinion of his grandmother Francisca Vasquez. With tears in her eyes, she expresses how grateful she is for the sponsorship program and the care he gets in the afternoon program.
Francisca Says, "Darling before had many problems learning how to read and write at 7 years old. Now he is 9 years old and can read and write. Thank God. I did not have money for uniforms, school supplies, most of the days we doesn't have food to prepare our daily meal. In the after-school he receives rice, beans, spaghetti, or whatever the sponsorship program provides that day. I feel very blessed because my grandson is being blessed. Darling doesn't know who his father is and his mother doesn't care nothing about him, for that reason he live with me, but every time the missionaries come and give him all of the attention that Darling needs. Although they do not speak Spanish or the children English, all of us understand the language of love. Thanks for all you do and will continue doing."
Also one of our children is young, with 4 years old, Yordi Valerio Abreu wanted to give his opinoin. Yordi says, "Mommy doesn't care for me, just likes to hit me a lot, so I leave early my house and come to Mati's house (Matilde) because she teaches me and gives me a lot of love. She also lets me help serve the snack. When Aunt Claudia comes she also teaches us a lot in the afternoon and helps us. When she comes with other people (missionaries) they are very good and give us kisses, hugs, and love and like to play with us. My mommy doesn't like to play with me."
Many stories of children and how their lives have changed with sponsorship are the strength we all need to continue to support. God calls us in many ways...In what way is God calling you?
Matthew 28:18-20 "Jesus came to them and said: I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Go to the people of all nations and make them my disciples. Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to do everything I have told you. I will be with you always, even until the end of the world."