Ways for Adults to Get Involved
Do something that matters.
When you start to feel that tug on your heart, how are you going to respond? By joining a trip, volunteering your time, donating your money. We know you'll begin to be moved. And although our mission is to help those in need overseas, we've seen time and time again, lives of trip participants are transformed by going. We want you to give, but know that you'll receive so much more in return.
If you have specific questions or fears, we're ready to help provide answers. Our organization plans each trip from start to finish and will guide you through the process.
Opportunities to help:
Go on a trip!
Sponsor a child in the Dominican Republic ($30 mo./child) or Brazil ($25 mo./child)
Become a prayer partner
Become a "most needed" monthly donor ($30/mo.) This donation will be given towards a general fund to assist with the most urgent need at the given time. Emergency medical care, vehicle repair, and disaster relief are some examples of where this fund has been utilized in the past.
Volunteer your time.
Learn more about opportunities for Professionals → or College Students →
Ready to Join a Trip?
We assemble and send teams year round. Each trip has a different objective and will focus on the specific needs of the community we are serving. If you are interested in going on a trip, please fill out our trip interest form or contact the office for more information on trip dates and availability.
“Timing and finances never seemed to be right. I continued to pray for the opportunity to go. God opened that door with a simple, “Hey, One Vision is planning a sewing trip to Haiti. You should go.” from a friend. That first trip was in the fall of 2012 and I’m now on my fourth trip. God’s timing, plans and blessings are always perfect.
We saw barriers removed, relationships and oneness in the spirit grow. As God has allowed me to be a part of the sewing projects, He has taught me so much about myself and His faithfulness, and stretched me beyond my comfort zone in many areas. But, He has never failed to show up. He has opened so many doors of opportunity to provide funds for my trips, gather supplies and share about One Vision. So thankful He has allowed me to be here in this season, for this purpose.””