Piaui, Brazi

We travel to the state of Piaui, Brazil. It is not only the poorest state in Brazil, but also the least evangelized. We partner with local churches and missionaries to help them reach their own people with the gospel through medical clinics, building trips and programing for children.

Projects Underway

Support Teams

It is not always easy to jump on a plane and go overseas, or to save the money to be able to afford a short term trip. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t be a big part of what God is doing in Brazil.

You can help support a Brazilian family who is already trying to reach their community with the Gospel. These brothers and sisters are putting in the hard work every day. They need others to come alongside them to encourage and support mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and financially so they can continue their work for the Kingdom.

If you are interested in learning how you can partner with a missionary family, and get to know them personally, email Rachel Cox at rcox@onevisionintl.org for more info.

Construction Efforts
Do you like to work with your hands? You can join us as we partner alongside a local Brazilian church to complete their first church building. Each new church body has worked hard to raise funds, grow their church, and see Jesus’s name known in their community. We come alongside these new church plants and work side-by-side to build buildings and relationships. No construction experience is necessary, just hard-working hands and a willing heart.

What’s Different about OVI?

We don’t want to go into a community and do for other what they can easily do for themselves. Instead we want to empower locals to effect change in their own cities. During building trips we hire professional, local, Brazilian builders. They provide the expertise while we also support the local economy. They will be the ones teaching you their local trade of building.

Discipleship Trips
After we help local churches build a physical foundation, we also seek to help build up their spiritual foundation. We partner with the pastor and church members to help foster discipleship within the church body and teach evangelism training. We believe that local believers will always be the best fit to reach their communities with the Gospel. Small teams help to make these local churches even stronger through joint efforts and joint prayer.

What Does This Look Like?

How do you go into a community that speaks a different language and share with them? In some ways it looks very different than the US; in other ways its very similar. During team meetings we will practice GCI (Great Comission Initiative) training. This will prepare you to love, encourage, and share with people from another culture.

Medical Trips
There is a great need for more accessible and affordable medical care in Northern Brazil. Providing free clinics in a local church provides a much needed physical service while also introducing people to a local pastor that can help heal their spiritual wounds. Professionals in all medical fields are needed including, but not limited to, general medical, emergency care, dental, vision, physical therapy and pharmacology.

Growing the Team

During each medical trip we try to partner with local Brazilian doctors and dentists. Sometimes they are able to travel with us for an entire week; Other times they can only join us for a day. By adding them to the team, it helps create an opportunity for them to serve their own people, and hopefully, encourages them to continue serving once we leave.

Meet RachelRachel is our Executive Director and Director of all One Vision Brazil initiatives. She will be your person of contact before, during and after a trip.

Meet Rachel

Rachel is our Director for Brazil & the Dominican Republic. She will be your person of contact before, during and after a trip.


Ready to Join a Trip?

We assemble and send teams to Piaui to meet needs of the community. Each trip has a different objective and may focus on needs such as: evangelism, discipleship, medical, and construction projects.

Brazil is a great destination for teenagers and older. 

If you are interested in going on a trip, fill out our trip interest form or contact the office for more information on trip dates and availability.


About Brazil

Brazil is the largest country in South America and the 5th largest country in the world; by size and population. Almost, 200 million people call Brazil their home. The capital city is Brasilia, however the largest city is São Paulo. While there are large cities in Brazil, we work primarily in the Northern state of Piaui which is much more rural. Many people there have jobs in fishing, farming, construction and agriculture. The official language is Portuguese and the climate is tropical year round. Culturally, you'll find the weather is just as warm as the hearts and attitudes of the people.